Richard Parks on Everest - 9pm Monday 10th October BBC One Wales

‘Richard Parks on Everest’ hits our screens this coming Monday and follows the journey of Richard’s latest Expedition - Project Everest Cynllun.
The hour long documentary follows the ups and downs of Richard’s research expedition on Everest, which used extreme altitude to explore the mechanisms underpinning cognitive decline, psychological resilience and the corresponding link to dementia.
Richard’s aim was to become the first person in history to collect a blood sample and muscle biopsy from the summit of Mount Everest. He also planned to climb the highest mountain in the world without using supplemental oxygen.
The documentary gets under the skin of Richard and his team’s preparation, acclimatisation and expedition, showcasing the complexities of performing and conducting medical research on the world’s highest mountain.
Richard Parks on Everest also features Richard’s expedition team, Professor Damian Bailey, Director of the Research Institute of Health & Wellbeing at the University of South Wales, Professor Nicola Phillips, Cardiff University and Sport Wales physiotherapy specialist and documentary cameraman, Gareth Morrow.
Richard stated; “Project Everest Cynllun was one of my toughest expeditions to prepare for. It’s hard to condense almost two years of planning, training and such a huge part of my life in to a one-off TV programme. However, the team at One Tribe have done an awesome job at just that. I’m proud that my Everest documentary conveys a real sense of what it looks and feels like to undergo such a complex expedition with almost zero margin for error.”
He added; “It might not end how you’d expect – certainly not the way I had planned, but that’s the nature of extreme environments! There are no guarantees. Regardless, I hope that everyone enjoys the journey with me and that people understand a little more about the kind of expeditions I undertake.”
Mount Everest, at 8,848m/29,029ft tall still holds a magnificent mystique and wonder. She captures the imagination of all who climb her, as well as those who watch on from afar. Richard added; “She is both a brutal and wonderful mountain. Climbing her without the use of supplemental oxygen is without doubt one of the toughest tests of the human mind, body and spirit - this puzzle really intrigued me. But parking my own ego to be subservient to the science was what really excited me. The complexities of medical testing and research on the mountain made this an incredibly ambitious project, however my team and I are tried and tested and after much deliberation we decided that the data made the challenge worth the risk. It was certainly a roller coaster of a ride.”
Owen Gay, Executive Producer for One Tribe TV, the production company who made Richard Parks on Everest stated; “Following the success of Richard’s recent series Extreme Wales with Richard Parks, we are thrilled to be bringing viewers a different kind of insight in to what makes Richard the special kind of athlete that Wales is very proud of. Over recent years, he has achieved extraordinary things in extraordinary places. We are proud to showcase his Project Everest Cynllun expedition, which is another example of Welsh passion, research, ingenuity and ambition. Richard’s humility and dedication is both uplifting and inspiring in equal measure.”
Check out the Richard Parks on Everest BBC page.
Read more about Project Everest Cynllun.
Click here to watch live online.
Or tune in to:
• Freesat Channel 964
• Sky Channel 952
• Virgin Channel 864